不幸をチャンスに / Turning misfortune into opportunity
Traffic accident was an opportunity I change a new car.

ジジイは、2024年8月2日に運悪く交通事故に遭いました。事故の経験での学びがあったので、ご興味があったらこちらからご覧ください。修理費用が保険金を上回り、自己負担しなくてはならなかったので、修理はやめて保険金と自己資金を使って10年間乗り続けたAudi A4 Avante QUATROを乗り換えることにしました。
On August 2, 2024, I was unfortunately involved in a traffic accident. I learned something from the experience of the accident, so if you are interested, please read it here. Since the repair costs exceeded the insurance money and I had to pay for it myself, I decided to stop repairing it and use the insurance money and my own funds to change my Audi A4 Avante QUATTRO, which I had been driving for 10 years.
The candidate for choice was a used Mercedes C estate wagon.
My budget for choosing a car is 4 million yen, including 1.15 million yen in accident insurance and a maximum of 2.85 million yen in personal funds. Based on this budget, I decided to choose a used Mercedes C-class station wagon. Why would I choose a used Mercedes station wagon instead of a new Japanese car that I could buy for 4 million yen? Some people may wonder.

The reason is because Mercedes is a timeless value car.
その理由はメルセデスのステーションワゴンは、タイムレスな価値を持つ車だと思うからです。ジジイにとっての車としてのメルセデスは、長く飽きることなく愛用できるであろうという点でスーツのKitonや靴のJohn Lobbと同格です。だから、新車でなく、中古でもまったく問題はありません。むしろ、タイムレスな価値を持つ車の価格がリーズナブルになるのでむしろメルセデスの場合は中古の方がありがたいのです。
The reason is that I think Mercedes estate wagons are cars with timeless value. For me, Mercedes as a car is on the same level as Kiton suits and John Lobb shoes in that they can be used for a long time without getting tired of it. So, it doesn’t matter if it’s a used car rather than a new one. In fact, in the case of Mercedes, used cars are preferable because the price of a car with timeless value is reasonable.

上のメルセデスCクラスステーションワゴンの写真は、2014年から2021年までに製造されたs205モデルの当時の公式写真です。Wayback machineというインターネットのアーカイブサイトから掘り出したもので、実際のメルセデスベンツの本国の公式サイトに掲載されていたものです。
The photo of the Mercedes C-Class estate wagon above is an official photo from that time of the S205 model, which was manufactured from 2014 to 2021. It was dug up from an internet archive site called the Wayback Machine, and was actually posted on the official website of Mercedes-Benz’s home country.
Can you trust the information provided by used car dealers ?
Mercedes is a car with timeless value, but in the case of a used car, it has been used by someone. For example, was it parked indoors, was it exposed to rain? How far has it been driven? Does it smell of cigarettes? There are several items to check. This information is listed on the websites of used car dealers that appear in Google searches.
The problem is whether the information provided there is truly trustworthy and whether it is false. There is the bad example of the major used car dealer “Big Motor”. In other words, it is dangerous to blindly believe the various information about used Mercedes circulating online, and it all depends on whether the car dealer providing it is trustworthy. So, I decided to choose a candidate from Yanase’s certified used cars.
The basic for searching a good Mercedes is “Trust as a Mercedes dealer”.
メルセデスの中古車は価格が安いからという理由で選ぶべきではないと思います。メルセデスは、タイムレスな価値を持つ車だからこそ、そのメンテナンスが重要です。例えて言えば、John Lobbの靴は、タイムレスな価値を持ちますが、毎日履いて手入れもしなければ、当然、悪いコンディションになってしまいます。使い方やメンテナンス次第でJohn Lobbの靴もタイムレスな価値を無くしてしまいます。それと同じように、メルセデスだって、ユーザーの使い方やメンテナンス次第でそのタイムレスな価値が大きく減少してしまいます。
I don’t think you should choose a used Mercedes just because it’s cheap. A Mercedes is a car with timeless value, so maintenance is important. For example, John Lobb shoes have timeless value, but if you wear them every day and don’t take care of them, they will naturally fall into bad condition. Depending on how you use them and how you maintain them, John Lobb shoes will lose their timeless value. In the same way, the timeless value of a Mercedes can decrease significantly depending on how you use it and how you maintain it.

Yanase is a historic dealer that introduced Mercedes to Japan. Yanase first sold Mercedes to Japan in 1952, and it is said that Yanase also delivered a Mercedes to Shigeru Yoshida, who was the Prime Minister at the time.
When searching for “Mercedes C-Class Station Wagon s205” on the Internet, the Google search results show Mercedes cars sold by various car dealers. Looking at the price alone, Yanase was definitely the most expensive. However, the meaning of “Yanase certified Mercedes” is that “Yanase guarantees the timeless value of Mercedes.” That’s why it also comes with a two-year unlimited mileage warranty. So I decided to choose from the Yanase certified used Mercedes cars.
Google does not guarantee the trust of Web sites listed their search results.

If you search for “Mercedes C-Class Estate Wagon” on Google, you will get a mixture of information from various used car dealers. What people who are thinking of buying a used Mercedes should be aware of here is that “Google does not guarantee that the information from the various used car dealers displayed in the search results is trustworthy.” Google is a well-known company, so many people have trust in Google. Therefore, the reliability of the websites displayed in the search results and the reliability of Google are mixed up, and many people tend to trust sites accessed via Google.
For example, people assume that a company can be trusted because it advertises on television. The belief that a company can be trusted because its TV commercials are aired on commercial television stations such as Nippon Television and Fuji Television is largely influenced by the trustworthiness of commercial television stations.
So, when choosing a Mercedes car with timeless value, the best thing to do is to first go to the Yanase Certified Used Car website and search there.
What are the car filtering criteria on the Yanase Certified Used Car Site?
My selection criteria were S205 model, genuine leather, and high-grade car.

Yanase’s Mercedes Certified Pre-Owned website allows you to set search criteria. My search criteria were, first, that the car model was a C-Class estate wagon, and secondly, that the model was an S205, so I selected a search criteria with a first registration between 2014 and 2021.
From the candidate cars that met these search criteria, I further narrowed down my search by whether they had genuine leather and whether they were high-grade cars, and I actually went to see the Mercedes C250 station wagon in the store. The price was 2.7 million yen. I was very lucky to find one that was well below my budget of 4 million yen. The Mercedes in the photo below is listed as sold because I had signed a purchase contract.

The decision key was the 19-inch tire size.

The Mercedes C250 station wagon that I went to see at the Yanase store had a good interior and exterior, and was quite impressive, as I’d expect from a Yanase certified used car.
The deciding factor for the purchase was the size of the tires. Just as shoes are the basis of fashion, I believe that tire size enhances the timeless value of a Mercedes. This Mercedes C250 estate wagon is a high-grade vehicle ranked next to the AMG grade, and the tire size is 19 inches. The standard tires are 18 inches, but the 19-inch tires further enhance the value of a timeless Mercedes.
An example of a Mercedes that has lost its timeless value: Mirror-finished chrome-plated pillars in a scaly state

I decided on a Mercedes C250 estate wagon from Yanase’s certified used Mercedes cars, but just before signing the purchase contract, I went to check out a Mercedes C250 station wagon sold by a dealer other than Yanase, just to be sure. The reason I went to see it was that the price of that Mercedes was about the same as the first year of registration and the mileage, but the price on the internet was listed as 1.62 million yen, which is about 1.1 million yen different from the Mercedes sold by Yanase. With such a big price difference, I thought I had to go and see it.
The car dealer I went to look at was an independent used car dealer, and they were very kind to me. However, although the car was listed as a C250 station wagon online, it was actually a C200 station wagon. The person who dealt with me said that the car had only just arrived yesterday, and the information on the website was still insufficient. Since it was later corrected to a C200, I don’t think it was an intentional mistake, but it’s an example of how information posted online is not always accurate.
Yanase would not treat this Mercedes as a certified pre-owned vehicle.
This Mercedes is a good example in some ways of losing its timeless value. The dealer apparently acquired this Mercedes at an auction.
Looking at the mirror-plated pillars in the photo above, they have become scaly, which is clearly visible when standing in front of the car. The dealer said that this is because the car was parked outside in the rain, and it will never be perfectly clean. This is what Yanase’s used Mercedes certification means. Yanase would never certify this Mercedes if it was in this condition.
The person in charge at the dealership who handles this Mercedes also told me the importance of having another warranty period.
In the case of the high-grade S205 (the sedan is the W205), the Mercedes S-class is equipped with the standard air suspension, which makes for a comfortable ride, but since it is on four tires, if all four tires break down, it would cost nearly 1 million yen. In that respect, Yanase’s certified used Mercedes cars come with a two-year unlimited mileage warranty, so you can rest assured in this regard as well.
Buying from Yanase is the best way to guarantee the timeless value of your Mercedes.
The information on Mercedes and Yanase in this blog is based on my own experience, but my current opinion is that when choosing a used Mercedes with timeless value, it is best to buy from Yanase, which guarantees the timeless value of Mercedes. There is a saying that “you get what you pay for,” but when choosing a used Mercedes, you should choose a reliable dealer that “guarantees the timeless value of Mercedes” to avoid “you get what you pay for.”
The only two that met those conditions were Mercedes Japan and Yanase. The reason I chose Yanase was because I couldn’t find anything that met my requirements on the Mercedes Japan website. This is just my guess, but I think Yanase has a large inventory because they were the first dealer to introduce Mercedes to Japan.
As we continue our relationship with Mercedes, we plan to report back as time goes on to see whether Yanase’s used car support is able to maintain the timeless value of Mercedes.