This brown pinstripe suit is made of a very delicate summer wool material and is very comfortable to wear. The pinstripe has a light blue line, so I picked up the color and made the shirt light blue. The tie is a brown sette pieghe tie of the same color. I have also introduced a coordination of this brown pinstripe suit with a white shirt and dark brown tie, so please take a look if you are interested.

ライトブルーのシャツとブラウンのタイの配色はシックな感じになるのでとても好きです。タイは、かつてタイユアタイ青山の店長を務めていた巣鷹さんから購入したもので、Atto Vannucciのセッテピエゲタイですが、タグがAtto Vannucciブランドを運営するSevenfold社のものになっています。巣鷹さんは、今は素敵なイタリアンレストラン「巣鷹」を経営されています。最近は伺っていませんが、とても美味しいです。
I really like the color combination of the light blue shirt and brown tie, as it gives a chic feel. The tie was purchased from Sudaka-san, who used to be the manager of Tie Your Tie Aoyama. It is an Atto Vannucci sette pieghe tie, but the tag is from Sevenfold, the company that runs the Atto Vannucci brand. Sudaka-san now runs a wonderful Italian restaurant called “Sudaka.” I haven’t been there recently, but the food is very delicious.

靴は、Guild of Craftsのダークブラウン。靴の作りが素晴らしくて、一日履いていても疲れません。とても素晴らしい靴です。
The shoes are dark brown from Guild of Crafts. They are well made and I don’t get tired even if I wear them all day. They are great shoes.