ハワイでは正装として認められているアロハシャツ。改めて調べてみると、Wikipediaによれば、Aloha Fridayというキャンペーンが普通にビジネスでもアロハシャツをハワイの人たちが着るようになったきっかけだったとのことです。それが、カルフォルニアに広がり、いつしかCasual Fridayとして世界に広がったと書いてありました。Wikiの注釈を見ると、”The Art of the Aloha Shirt “という書籍が出典となっているので、きっと確かなのでしょう。
Aloha shirts are recognized as formal attire in Hawaii. After looking into it again, I found that according to Wikipedia, a campaign called Aloha Friday was the trigger for Hawaiians to start wearing aloha shirts in business. It then spread to California, and eventually became known as Casual Friday and spread around the world. The notes of this Wikipedia’s information say that the source is a book called “The Art of the Aloha Shirt,” so I’m sure that’s true.
The aloha shirt for today’s outfit is one I found at a second-hand shop, but it seems to be a Japanese brand. It’s made of silk and is very comfortable. However, there aren’t many aloha shirts with this kind of chic feel. I looked up the brand’s website, but honestly, there wasn’t a shirt I wanted. My favorite is the aloha shirt Alain Delon wore in the movie “Plein Soleil,” but this is another aloha shirt I like. The pants I paired with it are from Milan’s men’s shop Eral55, which I bought in Strasburgo. They’re made of a very light cotton material, which goes perfectly with the texture of the aloha shirt.

The shoes are moccasins from Stokton. The photo above is from their official website, and the photo below is one that I’ve been wearing for about five years. The color is a little different from the original because I took the photo with my smartphone, but they’re the same suede type. These are very comfortable shoes, so I recommend them for summer wear.

For reference, I have attached today’s accessories below. When wearing a simple outfit like an aloha shirt, I think it’s good for men to wear accessories. In that respect, I really like the Hermes silver bracelet, Chaine d’Ancre, because it has a simple design but a strong presence. For watches, I wear a Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso, and for rings, I always wear an Anatomica ATLANTE on my left ring finger and a Cartier Trinity, a cushion-shaped type made for the 100th anniversary, on my right pinky finger. I bought it with the promise that I would share it with my wife, but I ended up really liking it, and I feel bad for my wife that I have it all to myself, so I’m thinking of giving it to her as a gift.