
ジジイのAutumn Check Jacket Style



I wore a checked jacket for this day. Plaid (tartan) originated in Scotland, and each clan had its own check pattern. It is interesting that in Scotland at that time, each family had their own check pattern as their identity.



When Scotland was annexed to the UK, there was a time when the use of check patterns, which are a symbol of the clan, was banned. However, it must have been humiliating to be banned from using check patterns, which are the identity of the family, and I think that there must have been a lot of resistance from the people of Scotland at that time. I suspect that even though the country banned the use of check patterns, there were people who continued to use them to protect their identity.


Knowing this history, I think that the meaning of “rebelliousness” can also be found in the check pattern. I think that the fact that an old man over 60 likes check patterns and uses them in my outfits is an expression of my “rebelliousness” that I’m not an ordinary old man.

スコットランド発祥のチェック柄は、その後、米国に伝わって、アイビーリーグの学生たちのPreppy styleに取り入れられて、日本にも伝わります。ジジイも高校生の頃、チェック柄のジャケットに憧れましたが、当時は経済的な理由で実際に着用することはできませんでした。下の写真の左の男性のスタイルはカッコいいですよね。

The check pattern, which originated in Scotland, then spread to the United States, where it was adopted by Ivy League students as part of their preppy style, and then spread to Japan. When I was in high school, I also longed for a check jacket, but at the time I couldn’t actually wear one due to financial reasons. The style of the man on the left in the photo below is cool, isn’t it?


高校生の時にはチャレンジできなかったチェック柄のジャケットスタイルを60歳を超えた今、トライしているジジイの装いはどうでしょうか? ジジイなりのこだわりは、装いに使うアイテムの色をできるだけ抑えることです。チェック柄ジャケット自体が自己主張が強いですから、ジャケットに使っている色と同系色のトラウザーズを使えば、派手さとともにシックな雰囲気がでると思います。

What do you think of my look, now that he’s over 60, trying out the checked jacket style that I couldn’t try when I was in high school? My preference is to keep the colors of the items used in my outfit as minimal as possible. The checked jacket itself is quite assertive, so if you use trousers in the same color family as the jacket, I think you’ll achieve a chic look that’s flashy at the same time.


このチェック柄のジャケットはミラノのメンズショップEral55のものです。欲しい人がいれば、わたしのオンラインストアJiJi shopに出品しても良いかなと思うのですが、生地に毛玉があったりして、状態が悪いので、販売を見合わせています。近い将来、このジャケットをデザインソースに新品のチェック柄ジャケットを企画してみようと思っています。

This checked jacket is from Eral55, a men’s shop in Milan. If anyone wants it, I’d be happy to put it up for sale on my online store JiJi shop, but the fabric has pilling and is in poor condition, so I’m not selling it. In the near future, I’m thinking of planning a new checked jacket using this jacket as the design source.


チェック柄ジャケットと靴以外はJiJi shopで購入できます。シャツは、かつてイタリア随一の伊達男と言われたフランコ・ミヌッチさんがオーナーだった時代のフィレンツェのメンズショップTIE YOUR TIEの定番シャツをデザインソースにして日本の良質なファクトリーで企画したものです。スーツスタイルだけでなく、この日のようなスポーティーなスタイルにもフィットするので、ジジイが自信を持ってお勧めできるクラシックなシャツです。

Everything except the checked jacket and the shoes can be purchased at JiJi shop.
The shirt was designed by a high-quality factory in Japan, using as the inspiration a classic shirt I bought at TIE YOUR TIE, a men’s shop in Florence when it was owned by Franco Minucci, who was once known as Italy’s most dandy.
It fits not only with suits, but also with sporty styles like the one I wore today, so it’s a classic shirt that I can confidently recommend.

