ジジイのJacket 未分類

ジジイのAutumn style using Eral55 check jacket and Cotton pants

Autumn style using Eral55 check jacket and Cotton pants
Autumn style using Eral55 check jacket and Cotton pants
Autumn style using Eral55 check jacket and Cotton pants


I think it’s normal to be hesitant to wear a checked jacket. I was the same way. I think most people tend to choose a safe outfit with a plain jacket.


The key to coordinating a checked jacket for an outfit is to match the colors of the checked jacket with the colors of the tie and trousers.




yoshifumi takeuchi(@yoshid8s)がシェアした投稿


The checkered jacket itself makes a strong impression. However, if you use less color in your outfit, you can create a chic look. The checkered jacket I’m wearing today is green-based, but it has navy lines, so I chose navy for the tie and trousers.

Autumn style using Eral55 check jacket and Cotton pants
Autumn style using Eral55 check jacket and Cotton pants

The items I used for this outfit are as follows:

ところで、お知らせがあります。”Share fashion style” (装いをシェアする)をコンセプトに JiJi shopというオンラインメンズストアを開設しました。

By the way, I have some news to share. I have opened an online men’s store called JiJi shop with the concept of “Share fashion style”.

わたしは2024年9月時点で62歳のジジイなので、JiJi shopと名付けました。わたしが見つけた日本のスーツファクトリーで仕立てるクラシックアイテムやわたしの私物をこのお店に出品していきます。みなさんの日々の装いのお役に立てたら幸いです。

I named it JiJi shop because I am a 62-year-old old man as of September 2024. I will be selling classic items made by suit factories in Japan that I have found, as well as my personal belongings, in this shop.
I hope it will be useful for your daily outfits.
