For my suit coordination that day, I paired a brown striped suit, which looks like a plain brown suit from a distance, with a light blue tie to create a contrast. Since the stripes of this brown suit are light blue, I chose this tie from the ones I own.
このブラウンスーツは、TIE YOUR TIE別注のKITON製ですが、新品ではなく、メルカリで見つけて譲ってもらったものです。価格は38,000円でした。ジジイはKITONのスーツを新品でも買っていますが、高円寺のSafariなどで見つけた状態の良い古着のものも結構所有しています。メルカリで買ったのはこの1回だけです。このスーツはトラウザーズのふくらはぎのあたりに少し大きめの汚れがついていましたが、手洗いしたらほぼキレイになりました(笑)。
This brown suit is made by KITON and is a special order for TIE YOUR TIE, but it’s not new; I found it on Mercari and was given it to me. It was priced at 38,000 yen. I’ve bought new suits from KITON, but I also own quite a few good-condition second-hand ones I’ve found at places like Safari in Koenji. This was the only time I’ve bought it on Mercari. There was a slightly large stain on the calf of the trousers, but it was almost completely cleaned up after I washed it by hand (lol).
Once when I had my blood drawn at the hospital, the trousers of my Liverano Solaro suit got covered in blood due to a nurse’s negligence. However, I quickly got the permission from this nurse and took off my Liverano’s trousers in the hospital room and scrubbed them with water, and they came out beautifully clean. Having had that experience, I decided to try washing my KITON suit at home, and it turned out to be surprisingly fine.
Actually, I’m not the type of person who takes my suits to the dry cleaners. Even if they get stains, I remove them myself at home. I’ve never taken suits made of delicate fabrics like KITON to the dry cleaners. Instead, after wearing them once, I try to wait at least a week before wearing them again.

ブラウンスーツに合わせたライトブルーのタイは、フィレンツェのSevenfold社 のものです。フィレンツェの伝統工芸職人による刺繍が入っています。刺繍をネクタイにした後に内側の糸を抜いて仕上げられているそうです。ジジイはこのSevenfold社の刺繍入りネクタイを色違いでもう1本所有しています。
The light blue tie that goes with the brown suit is from Sevenfold in Florence. It is embroidered by traditional Florentine artisans. After the embroidery is made into a tie, the threads on the inside are removed to finish it off. I own another embroidered tie from Sevenfold in a different color.

この日のスタイルに合わせた靴は、フィレンツェの靴工房BonoraのダークブラウンUチップシューズです。Bonoraは廃業してなくなったしまったのがとても残念です。リーズナブルでとても良い靴です。ジジイは、他に3足所有しています。ライトブラウンのBonoraの靴を使ったコーデはこちらにあります。当時の価格は7万円台でしたが、John Lobb Paris でも最高級ラインしか採用されていないシームレスヒールの仕上げで作られていました。1人の職人が一足づつ作っていて職人さんの署名入りリーフレットが靴箱には入っていました。Bonoraの靴は、ヤフオクとかにも出ていることがありますが、経営者が変わった時代があり、その頃のものは、ジジイが買ったBonoraとは全くの別物ですから、注意が必要です。
The shoes that went with this day’s style were dark brown U-tip shoes from Bonora, a shoe workshop in Florence. It’s a unhappy that Bonora went out of business. They’re very good shoes at a reasonable price. I own three other pairs. You can see an outfit using light brown Bonora shoes here. They were priced at around 70,000 yen at the time, but they were made with a seamless heel finish that is only used in the highest-end lines of John Lobb Paris. Each pair was made by a single craftsman, and a leaflet signed by the craftsman was included in the shoe box. Bonora shoes are sometimes sold on Yahoo! Auctions, but there was a time when the owner changed, and the shoes from that time are completely different from the Bonora shoes that I bought, so you need to be careful.