On this day, I coordinated a light grey check jacket with medium grey trousers. You can find the same jacket with dark grey trousers here.

タイユアタイの白のリネンシャツに合わせるVゾーンは、チェックジャケットのブルーのラインカラーと同じ系統の色合いのセッテピエゲ・レジメンタル・タイです。このタイは、フィレンツェのSevenfold社のブランドAtto Vannucci です。グローバルには、TIE YOUR TIEブランドで展開していますが、日本では商標権利の関係で違う名前になっています。
The V-zone that matches the white linen shirt from Tie Your Tie is a Sette Pieghe regimental tie in the same color family as the blue line color of the checked jacket. This tie is Atto Vannucci, a brand of Sevenfold, a Florence company. Globally, it is sold under the TIE YOUR TIE brand, but in Japan it has a different name due to trademark rights.
セッテピエゲ・ネクタイは職人が手仕事で作っているので、工芸品的な製品です。円安の影響もあって、日本国内のSevenfold社 のセッテピエゲタイは、5万円を超える価格になっていて、職人さんを支援するような気持ちで買う製品と言えるのかもしれません。今やKitonなどのハンドメイドスーツが70万円から100万円ぐらいの価格帯になっているので、それらに合わせるタイとしては相応しいとも言えます。
Sette pieghe ties are handmade by artisans, so they are like works of art. Due to the weak yen, Sette pieghe ties from Sevenfold in Japan are priced at over 50,000 yen, so they can be said to be a product that you buy with the intention of supporting artisans. Nowadays, handmade suits from Kiton and other brands are in the 700,000 to 1,000,000 yen price range, so Sette pieghe ties are a suitable choice to go with them.
To be honest, when the yen was around 100 yen to the dollar, I used to buy Sevenfold sette pieghe new for over 20,000 yen, but since it has exceeded 50,000 yen, I haven’t bought any new ones. In an environment of a weak yen, the core market for sette pieghe ties is probably the Western market, not Japan. It’s unfortunate for me as a Japanese person, but secondhand clothing store as Safari in Koenji sells good condition and unused items at affordable prices, so if you’re interested in sette pieghe ties but are hesitant because of the price, I recommend getting them from a used market.
If you are hesitant to buy a second-hand tie, I recommend Bryceland’s. The shop sells original ties made in collaboration with Sevenfold at reasonable prices. The tie below is not a sette pieghe, but I think it is a very nice tie to match with a rugged style.

I chose suede U-tip shoes because I thought suede would match the texture of the linen shirt I chose for the jacket style. Suede may be more associated with autumn and winter, but I also wear it in spring and summer.