A grey suit is the foundation of a man’s attire. In the Showa era, grey suits worn by office workers were a symbol of uncool middle-aged men and were called the “sewer rat look” (lol). My impression of grey suits for me changed when I saw Lino Ventura‘s grey suit style in the movie ” Les Aventuriers.” The photo below is from a scene from the movie, and Lino looks really cool in his minimalist outfit of a medium grey suit and black tie.

I am writing this blog on August 14, 2024, when the temperature is 38°C, and I definitely can’t wear a tie. The Instagram reel video below is a gray suit with no tie style. I wanted to add an accent to the gray suit style, so I used a sette pieghe tie as a pocket handkerchief. I chose a shirt with thin stripes to go with the gray suit. From a distance, this shirt looks like a light blue shirt, which I think gives people a refreshing impression.
The Instagram reel video below is from April 2024. The shirt is the same thin striped shirt as the no-tie style above, but the tie is a navy-based regimental tie with white lines. I’m 62 years old, but I think wearing a tie like this gives people a slightly fresher impression.

グレイスーツは、タイユアタイ青山がKitonに別注したものです。スーツのブランドタグには、Kiton創業者のCiro Paoneさんのネームが入っています。タイユアタイ創業者のフランコミヌッチさんが細かく修正を入れたスーツで通常のKitonのスーツとはスーツのデザインが違っています。例えば、トラウザーザズはKitonのものは、シングルタックですが、タイユアタイ別注はツータックになっています。
The grey suit was custom ordered by Tie Your Tie Aoyama from Kiton. The name of Kiton founder Ciro Paone is on the suit’s brand tag. The suit was finely tuned by Tie Your Tie founder Franco Minucci, and the design is different from regular Kiton suits. For example, Kiton’s trousers have a single tuck, but the Tie Your Tie custom trousers have two tucks.

The photo above shows a combination of a thin striped shirt and a sette pieghe tie from Tie Your Tie Aoyama, which are matched with a grey suit. The top shoes in the photo below are for a no-tie look, and are tassel loafers from the legendary Italian shoe factory “Marini.” For a spring look with a grey suit and tie, I used the bottom shoes in the photo below, plain-toed shoes from the now-defunct Italian shoe brand “Bonora.”