ライトグレイに少し青みがかかったライトブルーグレイのスーツのスタイルです。遠目には無地ですが、ストライプスーツです。青が入っていることで爽やかな印象がより増すので、暑い夏には最適なスーツと思います。ただ、こんなスーツは既成品で販売されていることは稀でしょう。この日着ているのは、かつて南青山にあったTIE YOUR TIE青山がKITONに別注したものです。山下英介さんが運営するWebマガジン「ぼくのおじさん」の加賀さんへのインタビューによれば、「KITONのスーツを18箇所もいじっていた」とあります。要は、KITONが作ったTIE YOUR TIEデザインのスーツということですね。
The suit is a light blue-gray style with a slight hint of blue. From a distance it looks plain, but it’s actually a striped suit. The blue gives it a refreshing impression, making it the perfect suit for the hot summer. However, it’s rare to find a suit like this ready-made. The suit I’m wearing that day was specially ordered for KITON by TIE YOUR TIE Aoyama, which used to be located in Minami Aoyama, Tokyo. According to an interview with Kaga-san in “Boku no Ojisan,” an online magazine run by Yamashita Eisuke, “they made 18 changes to the KITON suit.” In other words, it’s a suit designed by TIE YOUR TIE and made by KITON.
私は、KITONのスーツも所有していますが、確かにTIE YOUR TIE別注のものとは全くの別物です。生地もTIE YOUR TIEの別注品は、生地も最高級品で、このスーツの場合、カシミア46% コットン46% シルク8%の混紡生地です。残念なのは、もはやこんなスーツは買いたくても買えないということです。このスーツをモデルにどこか同じパターンを作ってくれないかなぁと思っています。多分、KITONにお願いするのが一番なのでしょうね。
I also own a KITON suit, and it is definitely completely different from the TIE YOUR TIE special order. The fabric of the TIE YOUR TIE special order is also the highest quality, and in this case, it is a blend of 46% cashmere, 46% cotton, and 8% silk. The sad thing is that I can no longer buy a suit like this, even if I want to. I wonder if someone will make the same pattern using this suit as a model. I think it would probably be best to ask KITON.

For the V-zone outfit, I simply paired a white shirt with a navy sette pieghe tie. The shirt is Fray. I bought it on sale at Barneys, so it was about 30,000 yen. It’s true that if you wear a suit made by KITON, you need to match it with a Fray-class shirt to balance it out.

20年前、円高の頃は、KITONのスーツでも40万円台で買えました。今や80万円はするでしょうし、TIE YOUR TIE別注クラスになると100万円オーバーかもしれません。でも、そんなスーツ、普通の人は買えませんよね。私がわざわざTIE YOUR TIEとかKITONのスーツを買っていたのは、自分をよく見せたいからブランドの名前に頼っていたともいえます。「俺はKITON着てるんだぜ、すごいでしょ」みたいなことです。ジジイは、ずいぶんスーツに投資をしましたが、散財して分かったのは、リーズナブルなスーツを着ていても、カッコよく見えなきゃダメだということです。
Twenty years ago, when the yen was strong, a KITON suit could be bought for around 400,000 yen. Nowadays, it would cost 800,000 yen, and a TIE YOUR TIE special order suit might cost over 1 million yen. But an average person can’t afford a suit like that. I went out of my way to buy TIE YOUR TIE and KITON suits because I wanted to look good, so I relied on the brand name. Like, “I’m wearing KITON, isn’t it amazing?” I’ve invested a lot in suits, but what I’ve learned from spending a lot of money is that even if I wear a reasonable suit, you have to look cool.
I’m thinking of choosing and wearing a suit that is reasonably priced but well-tailored in the near future. According to the analysis tool provided by META, most of the people who follow my Instagram are young, so I think that would be a good reference for young people.

The outfit I wore on this day was a pair of tassel loafers from Tie Your Tie. If I were to wear straight-tip shoes like Edward Green, it would be too formal, so I added some fun to the look by wearing tassel loafers.