ジジイが好きなのが、ミリタリーアイテムを取り入れた装いです。この日は、フランス軍のM47パンツを使ってみました。このM47パンツは、Instagramで偶然見つけたExtra Garment Supplyという素敵なお店で手に入れたものです。
I like to wear outfits that incorporate military items. On this day, I tried using French military M47 pants. I got these M47 pants from a great store called Extra Garment Supply that I came across by chance on Instagram.

These M47 pants are deadstock and in very good condition. I think the price was around 80,000 yen. The waist size is just right for me, and the inseam is a little long, so I wear them with the cuffs rolled up.

M47パンツに合わせるトップスは、ワークシャツが良いかなと思って、高円寺の古着屋さんBCBGで見つけたBig Yankのワークシャツを合わせました。このシャツは、雑誌LEON編集長の石井洋さんがディレクションして、アーカイヴニストの寺本欣児さんが経営するサーティーファイブサマーズがプロデュースしたものです。
I thought a work shirt would be a good top to go with the M47 pants, so I paired it with a Big Yank work shirt I found at the Koenji vintage clothing store BCBG. This shirt was produced by Thirty Five Summers, run by Archivist Kinji Teramoto, under the direction of Hiroshi Ishii, editor-in-chief of the magazine LEON.

M47パンツに合わせる靴は、ラギッドな感じがベストですから、J .M.Westonのゴルフです。この靴は、10年ほど前、パリに出張に行った際に、購入したものです。2024年6月時点の価格は税込で¥168,300となっています。私が購入したときは、パリで購入したこともあって、観光客には後で税金を戻してくれるので、この価格の半額程度だったと思います。今の価格で考えても、10年履いているから、1年で約1万7千円です。いい靴は、愛着も湧いてくるし、装いをよく見せてくれるので、お洒落になりたい方にオススメしたいは、まずいい靴を最低3足は買うことかなと思います。交代で履けば、長持ちします。
The best shoes to match with the M47 pants are rugged, so I chose J.M.Weston golf shoes. I bought these shoes about 10 years ago when I went on a business trip to Paris. As of June 2024, the price is ¥168,300 including tax. When I bought them, I think they were about half this price because they were purchased in Paris and tourists were given a tax refund later. Even at the current price, I’ve been wearing them for 10 years, so it’s about ¥17,000 a year. Good shoes make you feel attached to them and make your outfit look good, so I recommend that people who want to be fashionable should first buy at least three pairs of good shoes. If you take turns wearing them, they will last longer.

Even I didn’t start out buying good shoes. It was my wife who told me, “To be fashionable, start with shoes.” When I was single in my early 20s, I admired designer suits like Armani and bought them, but I didn’t think about shoes. After I got married, it was my wife who advised me to “buy better shoes.” Since then, perhaps because I am a bit of an obsessive, I have become fond of shoes and have collected them, and now I have over 30 pairs. Looking back, it seems that my wife regrets that advice 🤣.

Some of the shoes I own, like Weston golf shoes, were purchased new, but others were purchased at second-hand shops. I often go to second-hand shops like Safari in Koenji, where you can often find unused items at reasonable prices.