
ジジイのNavy jacket style with check trousers

Navy jacket style with check trousers


A navy jacket and medium gray trousers are a standard combination, but on this day I tried matching the navy jacket with checked trousers. Both the jacket and the trousers are made of 100% linen fabric. The checked trousers have light blue in the color, so I chose a light blue shirt. Of course, a white shirt would also work well.




yoshifumi takeuchi(@yoshid8s)がシェアした投稿


The jacket is 100% linen from KITON and I found it at a thrift store. This KITON linen jacket was quite worn and had the wrinkles that are typical of linen, but I prefer linen jackets in that condition, so the price was reasonable and I think I got a good deal.


It’s nice to buy a new linen jacket and wear it to make it look vintage, but if I come across one at a second-hand shop that is made by a manufacturer with good tailoring, such as KITON or Attolini, or a tailor from Florence or Naples, and that suits my taste, I’ll buy it. However, my closet is now full, so I’ve refrained from buying, but after a long time, I was shown a suit made by Tindaro de Luca himself at Strasburgo Minami Aoyama, and I bought one. It was a wonderful piece.

Navy jacket style combination

シャツは、KITONのものです。これは今は無くなってしまった銀座のサンモトヤマのセールで買いました。確か3万円ぐらいだったと思います。これは定番のワイドスプレッドシャツで、2024年7月18日時点で、ストラスブルゴのオンラインサイトで同じものが、定価79,200円(税込)が、30%オフ55,440円(税込)になっています。円安で価格は上がっていますが、品質はさすがKITONでとても素晴らしいです。タイは、TIE YOUR TIEのネイビー無地のセッテピエゲ。生地が遠目には無地ですが、独特の織り柄が入っていて気に入っています。

The shirt is from KITON. I bought it at a sale at San Motoyama in Ginza, which no longer exists. I think it was around 30,000 yen. This is a classic wide spread shirt, and as of July 18, 2024, the same one is 30% off the regular price of 79,200 yen (tax included) on Strasburgo’s online site, at 55,440 yen (tax included). The price has gone up due to the weak yen, but the quality is as expected from KITON and is very excellent. The tie is a plain navy sette pieghe from TIE YOUR TIE. The fabric looks plain from a distance, but I like the unique woven pattern.

トラウザーズのブランドはROTAで、モデルフィレンツェというフランコ・ミヌッチがROTAに別注した独特のパターンのトラウザーズです。ツータックでクラシックなデザインなので、ずっと愛用できます。このトラウザーズは、TIE YOUR TIE FIRENZE のオンラインサイトで購入ができます。価格は、400ユーロ超で少々値が張りますが、長く愛用できるので、オススメです。

The brand of the trousers is ROTA, and this trousers pattern is a model Firenze which Franco Minucci made to order to ROTA. The two-pleat, classic design means you can wear them for a long time. These trousers can be purchased on the TIE YOUR TIE FIRENZE online site. They are a little pricey at just over 400 euros, but they are recommended because you can wear them for a long time.

light blue shirt with navy settepieghe tie
