In addition to the summer outfit with a red linen shirt, I will introduce an outfit with a navy linen shirt. As with the red shirt, the inspiration for this outfit was Alain Delon in the movie “Plein Soleil.” Maurice Ronet’s summer outfit with a blue shirt is also lovely, but I will try to create an outfit inspired by this on another day.


Alain Delon’s navy shirt in the movie “Plein Soleil” has a square cut hem and an open-necked shirt-like look, so it is a different type of shirt from the one worn by me. Also, Alain Delon wears off-white cotton pants, but I wears work pants made of gray summer wool fabric.

靴は、ネイビーシャツの色を拾って、Edward Greenのブルーのアンラインド・ローファーです。この靴は、履き心地も良いし、この日のようなリラックスした雰囲気のシャツスタイルに合わせるには最適な靴です。
The shoes I’m wearing are blue unlined loafers from Edward Green, which match the color of my navy shirt. These shoes are comfortable to wear and are the perfect pair to go with a relaxed shirt style like the one I wore today.