Navy suit jacket and white trousers, mix and match

For my outfit that day, I combined a navy suit jacket with white trousers. This navy suit jacket was ordered in 2008 from Seminara, a Florentine tailor, at Tie Your Tie Aoyama, which is now closed. I think this jacket would look great paired with 100% cotton white pants. The photo below is a commemorative photo of me and Florentine shoemaker Hidetaka Fukaya and Gianni Seminara taken when I ordered this suit.

Style combination detail
The items I coordinated for this day were a suit jacket tailored by Seminara (100% mohair fabric from Draper‘s), a 100% cotton original shirt from Tie Your Tie, and 100% cotton pants from Rota. I also put a linen handkerchief in the jacket pocket. The shoes are from Bonora, a shoe factory in Florence that no longer exists. I bought them around 2000 and have been using them with great care for over 20 years. They were made by a single shoemaker and are truly beautiful.