
ジジイのNavy work shirt with blue denim style

Navy western shirt with blue denim style
Navy western shirt with blue denim style


On this day, the maximum temperature exceeded 35 degrees, and it was too hot to wear a jacket, so I combined a navy work shirt with blue jeans. This work shirt is from Milan’s men’s shop Eral55, and is designed to be worn tucked out. I found and bought it in Strasburgo. The same one is no longer on sale, but a similar type of work shirt is on sale at a sale price as of July 20, 2024. The shirt in the photo below is 40% off the regular price of 42,900 yen, at 25,740 yen, so it might be a good deal.





yoshifumi takeuchi(@yoshid8s)がシェアした投稿

Navy shirt with blue denim combination
Navy shirt with blue denim combination


I paired my navy work shirt from Eral55 with 45R denim. I bought it at the 45R store in Futako Tamagawa Rise. When I bought it, they had 45R denim on display that the staff had been wearing for years, and it showed how the indigo color of the 45R denim faded over the years as it was washed repeatedly after purchase. I bought it because I could see how it faded in a really nice way. My 45R denim has actually faded in a really nice way.


ワークシャツとブルーデニムに合わせた靴は、J .M.Westonの180ローファーです。この靴はデニムスタイルにベストフィットします。1989年に新婚旅行で行ったパリで、J .M.Westonのお店で買いました。オールソール交換したり、メンテナンスは必要ですが、2024年7月時点で35年間履いても全く問題ありません。2024年7月時点で日本のJ .M.Westonのオンラインストアでは、151,800円とかなり価格が高騰しています(2020年ごろは7〜8万円でした)が、長く履けば元が取れますからおすすめの靴です。

The shoes I paired with the work shirt and blue jeans are the J.M.Weston 180 loafers. These shoes fit the denim style best. I bought them at a J.M.Weston store in Paris on my honeymoon in 1989. I need to replace the soles and do some maintenance, but as of July 2024, I’ve been wearing them for 35 years with no problems. As of July 2024, the price has risen to 151,800 yen on the J.M.Weston online store in Japan (it was 70,000 to 80,000 yen around 2020), but if you wear them for a long time, you’ll get your money’s worth, so I recommend them.
