On this day, I tried wearing an off-white suit, which is something I want to wear in the summer. The inspiration for this suit style is Alain Delon in the movie “Plein Soleil.” What he wears in this movie is not off-white, but a pure white suit. I chose an off-white suit because I felt that a pure white suit would only look good on a young person in their 20s like Alain Delon in this movie. Incidentally, according to this site, Alain Delon was 25 years old when he appeared in this movie.

The off-white suit is paired with a burgundy knitted tie from Sozzi in Milan, Italy. The off-white suit, a timeless wardrobe for me, is Kiton. It’s fabric is a blend of 64% cotton, 30% wool, and 6% silk.

この日のスタイルのポイントは、バーガンディのニットタイの色を拾って、靴は同系色のポールセンスコーンのローファーを合わせたこと。実は、この靴が欲しかったのですが、もう今は販売されていなくて、古着屋で偶然発見して入手したものです。「ポールセンスコーン」は1890年に設立された英国のビスポーク靴工房の名前です。メンズウェア専門店のNew &Lingwood社がポールセンスコーン社を買収してブランド化したと同社のWebサイトに記載があります。
The key to this day’s style was matching the colour of his burgundy knit tie with a pair of Poulsen Skone’s loafers in the same colour. I had actually wanted these shoes but they are no longer on sale, so I came across them by chance in a second-hand shop. “Poulsen Skone” is the name of a British bespoke shoe workshop founded in 1890. The menswear specialist New & Lingwood acquired Poulsen Skone and branded it, according to the company’s website.
These shoes are also called slip-ons because you can put your feet in them without a shoehorn. They are easy to put on, so I like them very much. I often wear these burgundy colored loafers when I wear a beige linen suit, as well as an off-white suit. These loafers were originally imported to Japan by BEAMS, who reissued the same style of shoes in 2018.