An olive colored cotton suit will lift your spirits. An ordinary businessman might not like to wear one, but if you choose the right tie and shoes, it will give you a chic look without being flashy, so it’s worth a try.
このオリーブカラーのスーツは、タイユアタイ青山別注のCesare Attolini ですが、別にアットリーニのようなハイエンドブランドでなくてリーズナブルなブランドのスーツだって全く問題ないと思います。ただ、既製品ではあまり見かけないので、パターンオーダーすれば良いでしょうね。ジジイとしては、近いうちに、「Affordable but Elegant」(手頃な価格だけどエレガント)をコンセプトに、若い方でも手が届きやすい国内ブランドのオリーブカラーのスーツを仕立てて、このアットリーニ製のスーツと比べてみようかと計画中です。素材はコットンではなくて、秋冬に着るウール生地で探そうと思っています。
This olive colored suit is by Cesare Attolini, made to order by Tie Your Tie Aoyama, but I think it would be perfectly fine to choose a suit from a more affordable brand rather than a high-end brand like Attolini. However, it’s not often seen ready-made, so it would probably be best to have it pattern-ordered. I’m planning to have an olive colored suit tailored by a domestic brand with the concept of “Affordable but Elegant” that is affordable for young people in the near future, and compare it with Attolini. I’m thinking of finding a material that is not cotton, but wool that can be worn in the fall and winter.
The best way to coordinate an olive colored suit is to pair it with a white shirt, black knit tie, and tassel loafers, as shown in the photo above. I’m just trying to copy Franco Minucci’s outfit (lol). Franco wears dark brown suede tassel loafers.

The Instagram reel video below combines styles with and without ties as a way to style myself in the heat. When I go out in the morning, I bear the hot to wear a tie as gentleman, but when I’m going to come home from an office, I often take it off and go for a more relaxed look. In the summer, I often carry a large tote bag because I can easily put my jacket in it.
This olive colored suit has a drop of 8. Drop is calculated by subtracting waist measurement from chest measurement and dividing the result by 2. So, a drop of 8 is 16cm difference between chest measurement and waist measurement. This creates a nice inverted triangle silhouette.

Tie Your Tie shirts have long collars, so they look great even without a tie. Another feature is that the collar is slightly open at the base so that it fits snugly when you tie a tie.