The outfit I wore that day was a navy pinstripe jacket made of 100% linen twill fabric. Linen is a summer fabric, but because of the way the fabric is woven, twill linen fabric can also be used in autumn and winter.
The photo below is a close-up of the jacket I’m wearing that day. You can see that the fabric is woven diagonally, which is a characteristic of twill weave. Can you see that the twill weave has a glossier look than the plain weave linen fabric in the next photo? The feel of the jacket is also supple.

Also, to get into the autumn mood, I used a 100% wool sette pieghe tie instead of a silk one. Wool sette pieghe has a light and soft feel, so it’s essential for a man’s autumn look. If you don’t have one yet, I highly recommend getting one.

上の写真のウールのセッテピエゲは、実はもう15年ぐらい前に購入したものです。当時の価格は25,000円ぐらいだったと記憶しています。セッテピエゲというネクタイはいろんなブランドが販売していますが、今、同じレベルの品質を提供し続けているのは、フィレンツェのAtto Vannucci です。難点はかなり高価なことです。ネクタイ職人が手作りで作っている工芸品なので、多分、今は、5万円を超える価格になっています。
The wool sette pieghe in the photo above was actually purchased about 15 years ago. I remember it cost about 25,000 yen at the time. There are many brands that sell sette pieghe ties, but the only one that continues to offer the same level of quality today is Atto Vannucci in Florence. The downside is that they are quite expensive. As they are handcrafted by tie craftsmen, they probably cost more than 50,000 yen now.
でも、Safari高円寺などの古着屋では1万円を超えるぐらいの価格で状態の良いものが販売されているので、新品は価格的に手が出ない方は、古着屋さんで探すのをお勧めします。ジジイ自身もAtto Vannucciのタイを古着屋で購入したことがありますが、新品同様のものが出品されているのを結構目にします。
However, second-hand shops such as Safari Koenji sell good quality ones for over 10,000 yen, so if you can’t afford a new one, I recommend looking for one at a second-hand shop. I myself have bought an Atto Vannucci tie at a second-hand shop, and I often see like-new ones being sold.

The items I used for this outfit are as follows:
- Linen Pinstripe jacket : Cesare Attolini
- Stripe Shirt : Ciriello per TIE YOUR TIE
- Wool Sette pieghe tie : TIE YOUR TIE
- Shoes : Hidetaka Fukaya per tomorrowland
- Watch : Tank Louis Cartier watch LM / Manual winding / Leather
- Ring : Cartier Trinity cushion ring
- Bracelet : Hermes Chaîne d’ancre, grand modèle
- Eyewear : Oliver goldsmith CONSUL S
ところで、お知らせがあります。”Share fashion style” (装いをシェアする)をコンセプトに JiJi shopというオンラインメンズストアを開設しました。
By the way, I have some news to share. I have opened an online men’s store called JiJi shop with the concept of “Share fashion style”.
わたしは2024年9月時点で62歳のジジイなので、JiJi shopと名付けました。わたしが見つけた日本のスーツファクトリーで仕立てるクラシックアイテムやわたしの私物をこのお店に出品していきます。みなさんの日々の装いのお役に立てたら幸いです。
I named it JiJi shop because I am a 62-year-old old man as of September 2024. I will be selling classic items made by suit factories in Japan that I have found, as well as my personal belongings, in this shop.
I hope it will be useful for your daily outfits.