ジジイは赤いシャツは実はこの1枚だけしか持っていません。2004年ごろに購入したナポリのシャツ工房ボレッリのリネン100%のシャツです。ボレッリは、経営者が世代交代して「ルイジ・ボレッリ」ブランドでジャケットも含めたブランドとして展開していますが、私がこのシャツを購入した当時は、シャツだけのメーカーで、Firenzeのメンズショップ「タイユアタイ」の別注シャツなども提供していた頃です。ハンドメイドで作られたとても味わいのあるシャツです。この当時のボレッリのシャツは丁寧に作られているだけあって丈夫で、たまにしか着ていないのもありますが、20年経っても現役です。このリネンの赤シャツに合わせたのは、ミラノのメンズショップ「Eral55」の薄手のコットンパンツです。靴はオールデンのローファー – 683 Full Strap Slip-On Penny Loafer (Burgundy Calf) –です。
Actually, this is the only red shirt I own. It is a 100% linen shirt from Borrelli, a shirt maker in Naples, that I bought around 2004. Borrelli has been managed by a new generation and is now operating under the “Luigi Borrelli” brand, which includes jackets, but when I bought this shirt, it was only a shirt manufacturer and also offered custom shirts for the Firenze men’s shop “Tie Your Tie” . It is a very tasteful shirt made by hand. Borrelli shirts from that time were carefully made and durable, and although I only wear them occasionally, they are still in use after 20 years. I paired this red linen shirt with thin cotton pants from the Milan men’s shop “Eral55”. I’m wearing Alden loafers – 683 Full Strap Slip-On Penny Loafer (Burgundy Calf) –.

The inspiration for this outfit was Alain Delon’s style in the movie “Plein Soleil.” I didn’t buy a red shirt or thin cotton pants after watching this movie, but when I watched this video for the first time in a while, I thought Alain Delon looked really cool, so I chose a red shirt and thin cotton pants from my own wardrobe and tried coordinating them together.
It’s best to be able to go through the hot summer without a jacket. I have a habit of wearing a jacket when I go out, but my wife laughs at me and says, “You’re forcing yourself to do that in the heat,”. But with this outfit, I think I can get away with not wearing a jacket. Linen shirts are very comfortable against the skin.
I wear white or light blue linen shirts for both casual and suit styles, but this red shirt is of course only for casual wear. When choosing a linen shirt, I think it’s important to choose one that doesn’t have a lining in the collar if you’re going to wear it casually, and to wash and iron it at home. This gives it a more sophisticated look.