ネイビーのスーツは、誰もが持っているベーシックなアイテムですが、シングルピークドラペル のネイビースーツは意外と持っている人が少ないように思います。ネットで「シングルピークドラペルスーツ」とGoogle検索したら、メンズファッション雑誌のLEONさんの『ネイビーの「シングルピークド」はモテるに万能でした』という記事を見つけました。ジジイはこのスーツを着ていて特段「モテた」経験はありませんが🤣、LEONの記事にあるように、アフターファイブでタイを外した時にも、普通のネイビースーツよりちょっと遊び心が感じられるとは思います。もし、若い男性でこれから彼女にしたいと思う女性とデートする時には、ネイビーのシングルピークドラペルスーツを着てみると良いのかもね。
A navy suit is a basic item that everyone has, but surprisingly few people have a single peak lapel navy suit. When I searched for “single peak lapel suit” on Google, I found an article by LEON, a men’s fashion magazine, titled “Navy’s single peaked suit was versatile in making you popular.” I’ve never been particularly popular with ladies while wearing this suit🤣, but as the LEON article says, even when you take off your tie after work, I think it feels a little more playful than a regular navy suit. If you are a young man going on a date with a lady you would like to become your girlfriend, it might be a good idea to try wearing a navy single peak lapel suit.
The fabric of this suit is mohair wool, as the temperature continues to exceed 30 degrees every day. Mohair suits are essential in hot weather. The suit brand is Sartorio, part of the Kiton Group.

I chose a settepieghe tie with a glen check pattern to go with my single peak lapel suit. It creates a nice contrast and makes me feel more stylish. However, glen check ties are surprisingly hard to find. I found this tie at a second-hand shop. Men’s shops display ties taking into account the latest trends, so they often don’t suit the tastes of picky customers like me. Trends are good, but I wish men’s shops also stocked basic ties that can be worn universally.

装いに少し遊び心を入れるつもりで、トラウザーズの丈とのバランスも考えて、AldenのMonk strapコードバンシューズを選びました。本当は、この靴はデニムスタイルの時が一番フィットするのかもしれませんが。
I wanted to add a little fun to my outfit, so I chose Alden’s Monk strap cordovan shoes, considering the balance with the length of the trousers. In fact, these shoes might be best suited to denim styles.