On this day, I was wearing a Kiton summer cashmere suit. Cashmere may seem out of place in the hot summer, but it is lightweight and comfortable to wear, making it tolerable for morning and evening commutes. It is not a suit for a salesman who goes out during the day. It is for people who work in the office during the day when the temperature rises.

This suit is Kiton’s finest quality and sexiness. It was custom ordered by tFranco Minucci’s Tie Your Tie, and unlike Kiton suits, the suit tag has the name of Kiton owner Ciro Paone on it. The fabric is very delicate, so it is difficult to make it unlined, but it also has a lining.

Kiton’s suit is paired with a Tie Your Tie white shirt and a Sette Pieghe tie. This tie is from Regatti, a shirt factory in Florence, Italy, which is thought to have gone out of business and is no longer available on the market. It has no lining and is as light as the suit, so it fits well with the suit. I found and purchased it at the men’s shop Tomorrowland about 20 years ago.

靴は、Guild of Crafts が作ったものです。古着屋で発見しましたが、サイズも私にぴったりで履いていて疲れません。とても良い靴です。
The shoes are made by Guild of Crafts. I found them at a thrift store, and they fit me perfectly and are comfortable to wear. They are great shoes.