The movie “Plein Soleil” is “full of hints for men’s fashion”. Alain Delon below is wearing a navy shirt with cotton pants. The navy shirt style inspired by this is here, but Alain is wearing a flap pocket shirt. The summer shorts style that focuses on this shirt is the outfit for this day.


このフラップポケットシャツは、レーヨン100%で肌触りがとても快適で夏には最適です。Bryceland’s Tokyoが作ったもので、ジジイはストラスブルゴで見つけて購入しました。このシャツに合わせたのは、イタリアのクラシックなトラウザーズメーカーとして知られるRotaのものです。ファブリックはサマーウール、ツープリーツでTIE YOUR TIE 青山の別注品です。TIE YOUR TIE 青山はなくなったので、残念ながら、もう入手できません。
This flap pocket shirt is made of 100% rayon and feels very comfortable against the skin, making it perfect for summer. It is made by Bryceland’s Tokyo and I found and bought it in Strasburgo. The shirt is paired with Rota, a classic Italian trouser manufacturer. The fabric is summer wool, with two pleats, and is a special order from TIE YOUR TIE Aoyama. Unfortunately, TIE YOUR TIE Aoyama is no longer available, so it is no longer available.