My go-to summer outfit is an off-white jacket. I also have an off-white suit from Kiton, but this jacket is from Seminarra, a tailor in Florence. I actually found this jacket at Safari, a second-hand clothing store in Koenji. It didn’t need alterations and it was almost my size.

I paired the off-white jacket with a pair of Rota trousers made from a vintage-looking fabric, which I bought in Strasburgo. They’re not made from denim, but I really like how they make a smart version of black denim.

The shirt is a linen shirt from Borelli, mens brand in Naples, and the tie is a knitted tie from Atto Vannucci.

靴は、深谷秀隆さんのスエードのタッセルローファーです。この靴はもう10年は経ちますが、何の問題もありません。深谷さんは il micho という名前の注文靴店をフィレンツェで営まれていますが、この靴はセレクトショップのTomorrowland 限定で販売している既製靴で、作りはマッケイ製法です。
The shoes are suede tassel loafers by Hidetaka Fukaya. They are 10 years old and still in good condition. Fukaya runs a custom shoe store called il micho in Florence, and these shoes are ready-made and sold exclusively at the fashion store Tomorrowland, and are made using the McKay method.

It is a common belief that shoes that last a long time are made using the Goodyear method, but if you take good care of your McKay shoes, they will be fine even after 10 years. First of all, if you buy good shoes, it is essential to buy shoe trees along with them. I wait about a week between wearing them once and then wearing them again.
When I bought them, the price was about 100,000 yen including shoe trees. So, it’s 10,000 yen per year. The price is a little higher now, but I highly recommend them. There are many other types besides the tassel loafers, so if you’re interested, please check them out at Tomorrowland.
深谷さんの靴に興味が湧いた方は、下の動画をご覧ください。彼がイタリア、Firenzeで注文靴店を開くまでの物語が紹介されています。彼をサポートしたフィレンツェの紳士服店TIE YOUR TIEオーナーのフランコ・ミヌッチさんも途中で登場しています。
If you are interested in Fukaya’s shoes, please watch the video below. It tells the story of how he opened a custom shoe store in Florence, Italy. Franco Minucci, the owner of the Florentine men’s clothing store TIE YOUR TIE, who supported him, also appears along the way.

The reason I started to admire off-white jackets and suits is because of Alain Delon, pictured above. He looks really cool in a white suit in the movie “Plein Soleil”, so if you haven’t seen the movie yet, please buy the DVD on Amazon or elsewhere and watch it.