In the summer, I wear a beige linen suit. This is the influence of my fashion mentor, Yukio Akamine. The Instagram post below shows Mr. Akamine wearing a beige linen suit. It looks cool, doesn’t it?
赤峰先生にお願いしてAkamine Royal Lineでパターンオーダーのリネンスーツを仕立てました。生地は英国の生地メーカー、SPENCE BRYSONでした。そのスーツのスタイルはこちらにあります。この日着ているベージュのリネンスーツは、Akamine Royal Lineのスーツを作った後に古着屋で見つけたKitonのリネンスーツです。このスーツはチェンジポケットがついているので、誰かさんがオーダーしたものと推測しています。偶然ですが、このヴィンテージスーツは私の体型とピッタリだったので、お直しなしで着ています。古着ですが、Kitonのクラシックなスーツですから、タイムレスな価値があります。とても気に入っています。
I asked Akamine-san to tailor a custom-made linen suit for me from Akamine Royal Line. The fabric was from the British fabric manufacturer SPENCE BRYSON. You can see the style of the suit here. The beige linen suit I’m wearing today is a Kiton linen suit I found at a second-hand shop after making the Akamine Royal Line suit. This suit has a change pocket, so I assume it was custom-made by someone. By coincidence, this vintage suit fits me perfectly, so I’m wearing it without any alterations. Although it is second-hand, it is a classic Kiton suit, so it has timeless value. I really like it.
The V-zone coordination of a beige suit is paired with a light blue shirt and a brown tie.

This brown tie was a gift from Sudaka-san, who was the manager at Tie Your Tie Aoyama at the time, when I had a suit bespoke made by Seminara, a tailor in Florence, about 20 years ago. It’s not a sette pieghe, but it’s a bottle-shaped tie that Franco Minucci originally developed when he first started selling ties. This tie has a very beautiful shape, and when you tie it, it creates beautiful dimples. You don’t see this bottle-shaped tie anymore, but it’s a wonderful piece. I’d like to make one myself someday.