ジジイのCasual style

ジジイのSummer relaxed jacket style with or without tie

Summer Relaxed Jacket style without tie
Summer relaxed jacket style without tie


I am writing this blog post on August 7, 2024. The hot weather continues, and it is a tough season to wear a classic suit style. I am doing my best with classic suit and jacket styles, but I received a comment on Instagram asking, “Do you have any jacket styles that you would recommend for the hot season?” So I tried this style.




yoshifumi takeuchi(@yoshid8s)がシェアした投稿

Summer relaxed jacket style with knit tie


I didn’t post a picture of myself with a tie on Instagram that day, but this is what it looks like with a tie. The main difference between the look with and without a tie is that the shirt is tucked in with the tie style, while the shirt is left out without the tie. I think that’s why the no-tie style gives off a more relaxed vibe.



The white shirt I wore that day was made of linen and was perfect for the hot summer. I ordered it from Bryceland’s Tokyo, and I specified that the hem be square cut so that I could wear it untucked.

Anatomica Tropical Linen Jacket


The jacket worn for this day’s style is Anatomica’s “Tropical” model. According to the Anatomica Sapporo website, “it is inspired by the summer work jackets worn by the French Army in the early 20th century.” Anatomica’s recommended style may be to button it all up, as in the photo above, but I wore it with all the buttons undone and folded back like a normal jacket’s lapels. The linen used in this jacket is very light and cool, making it the perfect jacket for the hot summer.



The shoes I paired with this day’s outfit were Alden cordovan monk strap shoes. I bought them at an Alden store in San Francisco when I was on a business trip in 2018, so they’ve been around for about six years. They’ve developed some nice wrinkles in them.
