One of my summer staples is the Madison Blue Monsieur Shirt. It’s a 100% ramie shirt, very light and perfect for summer. I like it because it looks good even without a jacket. This year, 2024, will be the fifth year since I bought it, and this ramie material is very delicate yet durable. It’s starting to look like a nice vintage shirt. This shirt is the men’s version of a shirt that was offered for women under the name Madame Shirt, and it was the fourth of 20 made.

I was interested in why ramie is so strong and durable despite being so delicate and light, so I did some research. It is classified as a material with hemp, but it is more delicate and light than linen, a commonly known hemp material. Ramie is made from a natural grass called ”Choma” in Japan — Choma is Boehmeria nivea in English– and according to the website “TABITAIKEN,” Choma is a material that has been used in Japan since the Jomon period. In contrast, linen is made from a plant called flax. The website “Fabric Forest” introduces the story of the fields of Normandy, France, which is famous for producing flax.
リネンのシャツは、ジジイもスーツスタイルによく合わせていますが、ラミーシャツとは違って糸が太いので、少し無骨な感じがします。だから、女性が着るシャツとしては、もう少し繊細さを表現すべきとMadison Blueのデザイナーである中山まりこさんが考えられ、ラミーを使ったMadison Blueのマダムシャツやムッシュシャツが誕生したのかな、と推察しています。
Linen shirts are often worn with suits by me, but unlike ramie shirts, the thread is thicker, so they look a little rugged. So, Mariko Nakayama, the designer of Madison Blue, thought that a shirt for women should express a little more delicacy, and I guess that’s why Madison Blue’s madam shirts and monsieur shirts made from ramie were born.

Madison Blueのラミーシャツに合わせたのは、Madisonのマッカーサーパンツという名前のチノパンツ。米国のマッカーサー将軍が履いていたパンツをイメージして作れらたものだそうで、ラミーシャツよりも前に購入したので、もう7、8年ぐらいになります。とてもいいコットン素材を使っているし、作りもしっかりしているので、いい感じにヴィンテージ風になっています。
I paired the Madison Blue Ramie shirt with chino pants called MacArthur Pants, also from Madison. They were made based on the pants worn by General MacArthur of the United States, and I bought them before the Ramie shirt, so they’re about 7 or 8 years old. They’re made of great cotton and are well-made, giving them a nice vintage look.
Madison Blue is a popular brand among ladies, but it’s great that most of the items are unisex and can be worn by men too. My wife loves it, and when I was transferred to Tokyo in 2016, we went to the company store in Meguro, which was where we first encountered the brand. At first, my wife bought their products, but after the store moved to Omotesando, I started buying theirs too. It’s a brand that couples can enjoy dressing up together, so I highly recommend it. My wife and I often share a Madison Blue’s coat.

Madison Blueのシャツ、チノパンに合わせたのは、Gianvito Rossiのスエードスニーカーです。とても履きやすくてシックな雰囲気が気に入っています。このブランドは、女性向けの靴デザイナーとして有名なSergio Rossiさんの息子さんがデザイナーを務めるブランドなのだそうですね。ジジイは妻に教えてもらいました。
I paired my Madison Blue shirt and chinos with Gianvito Rossi suede sneakers. I like how they are very comfortable and chic. Apparently this brand is designed by the son of Sergio Rossi, who is famous as a women’s shoe designer. My wife told me about it.

上の写真は、妻と一緒に出かけた際に、デパートのGianvito Rossiのコーナーで撮ったもの。CARLAという名前の豹柄のバレリーナーシューズがとてもキュートだったので、妻が気に入って買いました。リボンバックルがとても素敵です。
The photo above was taken at the Gianvito Rossi section of a department store when my wife and I went out together. The leopard print ballerina shoes called CARLA were very cute, so my wife liked them and bought them. The ribbon buckle is very nice.