This photo was taken on September 28, 2024. It’s almost October, but there are finally signs of autumn. However, there are still signs of lingering summer heat, so I went out wearing a western denim shirt over a white T-shirt as a jacket. That way, when it gets hot, I can just take off the shirt to deal with the heat.

This western denim shirt is from my favorite brand, MADISONBLUE. It’s brand new, but from the day I bought it, it has the feel of a shirt I’ve been wearing year after year.
クリエイティブディレクターの中山まりこさんの私物の古着のデニムの生地を研究して、デニム生地からオリジナルで開発されているとのことです。なおかつ、このシャツは、デニムブランドとして定評のあるRed card tokyoに委託して製造されているので、素晴らしい仕上がりになっています。
The shirt was developed from original denim fabric, after studying the denim fabric of creative director Mariko Nakayama’s personal used clothing. Furthermore, the shirt was manufactured by Red card tokyo, a well-known denim brand, and the finished product is excellent.

The price is ¥78,100, which is expensive for a shirt, but I think it’s worth investing in as an outfit item because I can probably wear it for 10 years. I came across this shirt and bought it when my wife and I went to the 10th anniversary event of MADISONBLUE.
ところで、お知らせがあります。”Share fashion style” (装いをシェアする)をコンセプトに JiJi shopというオンラインメンズストアを開設しました。
By the way, I have some news to share. I have opened an online men’s store called JiJi shop with the concept of “Share fashion style”.
わたしは2024年9月時点で62歳のジジイなので、JiJi shopと名付けました。わたしが見つけた日本のスーツファクトリーで仕立てるクラシックアイテムやわたしの私物をこのお店に出品していきます。みなさんの日々の装いのお役に立てたら幸いです。
I named it JiJi shop because I am a 62-year-old old man as of September 2024. I will be selling classic items made by suit factories in Japan that I have found, as well as my personal belongings, in this shop.
I hope it will be useful for your daily outfits.