Today I tried out a beige autumn outfit. The items in my outfit are a beige jacket, a white shirt, beige trousers that are a slightly lighter tone than the beige of the jacket, and a maple leaf colored silk stole to accent the outfit.
It may be hard to tell from the photos and video, but the jacket is made of cashmere wool and the trousers are made of cotton flannel, so the fabric tones match.
What do you think? I’d be happy if you thought it was an autumn-like outfit.
By the way, the scarf above is one of my favorites. It’s the color of autumn leaves, so it’s perfect for autumn. Scarves are usually meant to be worn around the neck, and this one is over 180cm long.
When it’s not too cold yet, I often wear it just by placing it between my jacket and shirt, rather than around my neck, like today’s outfit. But in that case, the scarf sticks out from under the jacket and looks sloppy. What are you doing to solve this problem?
It’s a hassle, so many men probably just leave it as it is. Women who are concerned about their appearance think it’s uncool when a scarf hangs out from under a jacket, but unless they’re very close, they won’t tell you that it’s not okay. In my case, my wife told me off (lol).
My solution is to tie a tight knot in the middle and hang the scarf around my neck, as shown in the photo above. That way, the scarf will be just the right length.
By the way, this topic has been appearing quite often on my blog recently, so some people may find it annoying, but the white shirt I’m wearing today is a shirt that I designed that looks great even without a tie. It also fits well with an outfit that uses a scarf like today’s.
今日の装いで使った靴は、John Lobb Londonが作ったもので、幻のレザー「ロシアンカーフ」を使っています。ブログ全体が長くなったので別ページにしました。こちらからご覧ください。
The shoes I used for today’s outfit are made by John Lobb London and are made of the legendary leather “Russian Calf”. The whole blog became too long so I made it a separate page. Please see it here.