ジジイはChukka bootsを、このBONORAの靴の他に2足所有しています。ひとつはラバーソール仕様のTIE YOUR TIEのもの、もう一つは、同じくラバーソール仕様のSUTOR MANTELASSIのものです。
Besides these BONORA shoes, I own two other pairs of Chukka boots: one by TIE YOUR TIE with a rubber sole, and the other by SUTOR MANTELASSI, also with a rubber sole.
共通しているのは全てイタリア製ということです。違いはこのBONORAのものは、ラウンドトゥで、残りはスクエアトゥです。気分で使い分けていますが、Chukka bootsは、カジュアルスタイルの時には重宝するのでとても好きです。
What they all have in common is that they are all made in Italy. The difference is that these BONORA boots have a round toe, while the rest have a square toe. I use them depending on my mood, but I really like Chukka boots because they come in handy when wearing casual styles.
BONORAは、イタリア、フィレンツェの靴工房ですが、2000年のはじめに東京外苑前に直営店がありました。価格は7万円台が中心なのに、クオリティは当時のJohn Lobb Parisに引けを取らないものでした。ただし、使っている革の質はJohn Lobbのほうがハイグレードでしたが。
BONORA is a shoe workshop in Florence, Italy, and opened a directly managed store in Tokyo’s Gaienmae area in early 2000. Although the prices were mostly in the 70,000 yen range, the quality was comparable to John Lobb Paris at the time. However, the quality of the leather used was higher grade at John Lobb.
According to the inaugural issue of the Japanese shoe magazine “LAST” published in May 2003, Bonora was founded in 1878 and was based in Bologna at the time. Originally a workshop specializing in bespoke shoes, the brand also produced small quantities of ready-made shoes, with one craftsman completing each pair of shoes through over 200 steps from cutting the leather to completing the shoe.
日本でBONORAが知られるようになったのは、John Lobb Parsがプレステージラインを創設した際に、一時的にBONORAに外注していたという話がきっかけだったようです。
BONORA first became known in Japan when John Lobb Pars temporarily outsourced production to BONORA when he created his prestige line.
The symbol of the high quality of BONORA shoes is the “seamless heel” shown in the photo below. Usually, shoes have a seam on the back, but most BONORA shoes at that time had a “seamless heel.” This is one of the points to distinguish good shoes.
ジジイは、このChukka bootsのほかに、3足のBONORAを愛用していますが、すべてシームレスヒールです。その他に、靴の前半分はハンドソーン・ウェルテッド(手縫)で後ろ半分をマッケイ製法にすることで、土踏まずのえぐれを美しく表現しているところも素晴らしいです。これが7万円台とは驚きでした。ちなみに2003年当時のJohn Lobbの価格は12〜16万円でした。
Besides these Chukka boots, I also have three other pairs of BONORA, all with seamless heels. What’s more, the front half of the shoe is hand-sewn welted and the back half is made using the McKay method, which beautifully expresses the arch of the foot. I was surprised to find that these were available for around 70,000 yen. By the way, the price of John Lobb shoes in 2003 was between 120,000 and 160,000 yen.
そういえば、John Lobbの最上級モデルPHILPのヒールもシームレスです。高度な技術が必要だから、John Lobbも技術力のあるBONORAに一時的にせよ外注していたのでしょう。
Come to think of it, the heels of John Lobb’s top-of-the-line model, PHILP, are also seamless. This requires advanced technology, so John Lobb must have outsourced it to the skilled BONORA, even if only temporarily.
Unfortunately, BONORA went bankrupt because their honest management policy did not lead to results. They did reopen for a time, but I remember being disappointed that even though the label was BONORA, the shoes themselves were completely different.