今日の装いは、Prince of Wales Checkとして知られるファブリックで仕立てたスーツです。Prince of Walesとは、英国王子の称号なので、英国王子にちなんだチェック柄ということです。
Today’s outfit is a suit made from a fabric known as Prince of Wales Check. Prince of Wales is the title of the British prince, so the check pattern is named after the Prince of Wales.
According to Wikipedia and other related information, the origin of this checked pattern is that the Countess of Glen Urquhart in Scotland used this checked fabric for the outfits of the gamekeepers employed at her mansion. This fabric came to be called Glen Urquhart Check after the name of the place, and was shortened to Glen Check. In other words, it is a checked pattern that originated in Scotland.
グレンチェックという土地由来の生地の名前がPrince of Wales Checkとして世界的に知られるようになったのは、冒頭の写真のウィンザー公(エドワード8世)が愛用したからです。実は、彼の父上であるエドワード7世が王子の時代に、グレンアーカートに狩猟に行った際に、グレンチェック生地が気に入って使うようになったので、Prince of Wales Checkと呼ばれるようになったのです。
The local fabric Glen check became known worldwide as Prince of Wales Check because it was worn by the Duke of Windsor (Edward VIII), pictured at the beginning of this article. In fact, when his father, Edward VII, was still a prince, he went hunting in Glen Urquhart and liked the Glen Check fabric, which is why it came to be called Prince of Wales Check.
つまり、Prince of Wales Checkという生地を発見して、その装いに使い始めたのはエドワード7世だけど、英国王室からファッションの世界に持ち込んだのは、ウィンザー公ということですね。
In other words, although it was Edward VII who discovered the fabric known as Prince of Wales Check and began using it in his outfits, it was the Duke of Windsor who brought it from the British royal family into the world of fashion.
このPrince of Wales Checkは、男だけのものではもちろんなくて、ダイアナ妃もお召しになっていました。上のダイアナ妃はとても美しくてエレガントです。
Of course, this Prince of Wales Check is not just for men, but was also worn by Princess Diana. Princess Diana above is very beautiful and elegant.
Prince of Wales Checkの生地を使ったスーツは、こういう歴史も知ると、男性だけでなく女性も持つべき1着だなと思います。ちなみに、今日着ているスーツの生地は、FOX BROTHERSのもので英国製ですが、仕立てはOrazio Lucianoでイタリアのナポリ製です。
Knowing the history of Prince of Wales Check fabric, I think it is a must-have for both men and women. By the way, the fabric of the suit I am wearing today is FOX BROTHERS, made in the UK, but it was tailored by Orazio Luciano and made in Naples, Italy.
Orazio Lucianoさんは、イタリアの仕立て職人の巨匠の1人で、ブランド創業者(上写真の右側の方)です。
Orazio Luciano is one of Italy’s master tailors and the founder of the brand (on the right in the photo above).
In March 2024, I happened to go to Strasburg and saw Orazio’s son Pino (on the right side of the Instagram post above) holding an order meeting, and I ended up ordering as the conversation went along. It was a pattern order, but I specified quite a lot of details, so it felt like a full order. The order price was ¥649,000; I thought it would be more because the yen is weak, but I guess that’s down to Orazio and Strasburgo’s corporate efforts.
ジジイのオンラインストアJiJi Shopでは、ファッション・ディレクターの赤峰幸夫さんに仕立てていただいたPrince of Wales Checkのスーツも販売しています。英国ハーディ・ミニス製のしっかりした生地を使っているので長く愛用できます。もし、サイズが合えば、とてもおすすめです。
The shoes that went with today’s outfit are black tassel loafers. I love tassel loafers and have four pairs.