Alain Delon passed away on August 18, 2024 at the age of 88. For me, he is an eternal idol and someone I look up to. As a homage, I dressed up in his white suit style from the movie “Plein Soleil.”

The best way to see how cool Alain Delon’s white suit is to watch the movie. I chose a navy tie I had and matched it with the white suit.
In the movie, Alain Delon’s character name is “Tom Ripley”, and the man who is killed by Tom is “Philip Greenleaf” played by Maurice Ronet. He is also very cool and cool.
The white suit that Tom wears in the movie is not his, but Philip’s. Philip is the heir of a wealthy family, while Tom is a poor orphan who lost his parents and is an outlaw who dreams of success. In the YouTube video above, Tom, played by Alain Delon, calls himself “Philip Greenleaf” at the hotel reception. Tom has killed Philip and taken his place.
If you are interested, you should read the original book “The Talented Mr.Ripley “ (author: Patricia Highsmith), which is the original work of the movie. You can see that the movie does not faithfully represent the original work, but sublimates the motif of the original work and adds brilliant visual direction.
日本語の原作のタイトルは、映画と同じ「太陽がいっぱい」がタイトルになっていますが、副題は ” The Talented Mr. Ripley ” です。実は、この副題が英語原作のタイトルなのです。映画を見ると、原作の意味もわかってきます。トム・リプリーは貧しいけれど、とても才能があるのです。
The title of the original Japanese book is “Plein Soleil,” just like the movie, but the subtitle is “The Talented Mr. Ripley.” In fact, this subtitle is the title of the original English book. When you watch the movie, you will understand the meaning of the original book. Tom Ripley is poor, but he is very talented.
The white suit is from KITON and is made of cotton cashmere. The tie is a Franco Minucci tri-fold tie. I bought this tie about 20 years ago. The shirt is also an original from Franco’s Tie Your Tie.

In the movie, Alain Delon wears white loafers, but since I don’t own any white loafers, I paired them with dark brown loafers. These shoes are ready-made items that Tie Your Tie Aoyama ordered from Marini, a custom shoe store in Rome.