The date is October 1, 2024. It is autumn, but the daytime temperature is still over 30 degrees. However, it is getting cooler in the mornings and evenings, and there are signs of autumn.
Autumn is the season for fashion. Unfortunately, it is generally women, not men, who enjoy coordinating olive colors. The photo below is borrowed from the website of Oggi, a fashion magazine for women, and shows a very lovely coordination using olive colors.
I thought it would be fun to go on a date with such a lovely lady wearing an olive colored suit, so that’s the suit style I went for that day.
この日に着ているオリーブカラーのスーツは、コットンスーツで、今は無くなってしまったタイユアタイ青山がCesare Attoliniに別注したスーツです。さすが、Attoliniのスーツなので、最高の仕立てで着心地はもちろん素晴らしく、このスーツを着ていると気分が上がります。
The olive-colored suit I’m wearing today is a cotton suit, custom-made by Cesare Attolini for the now defunct Tie Your Tie Aoyama. As you’d expect from an Attolini suit, it’s of the highest quality, comfortable to wear, and makes me feel good when I wear it.
If you are a woman dressed like the one in the photo above, I’m sure you would be delighted if a man showed up on a date wearing a suit like this.
If you read this blog and think it sounds good, then I recommend you go on a date with your partner in an olive-colored outfit.

オリーブカラーのスーツに合わせたのは、タイユアタイがイタリアのシャツメーカーFrayに別注したシャツ、Atto Vannucciのライトブラウンのセッテピエゲタイ、靴はHidetaka Fukayaのスエード・タッセル・ローファーです。
The olive colored suit is paired with a Tie Your Tie custom shirt made by Italian shirt maker Fray, a light brown sette pieghe tie by Atto Vannucci, and suede tassel loafers by Hidetaka Fukaya.
ところで、お知らせがあります。”Share fashion style” (装いをシェアする)をコンセプトに JiJi shopというオンラインメンズストアを開設しました。
By the way, I have some news to share. I have opened an online men’s store called JiJi shop with the concept of “Share fashion style”.
わたしは2024年9月時点で62歳のジジイなので、JiJi shopと名付けました。わたしが見つけた日本のスーツファクトリーで仕立てるクラシックアイテムやわたしの私物をこのお店に出品していきます。みなさんの日々の装いのお役に立てたら幸いです。
I named it JiJi shop because I am a 62-year-old old man as of September 2024. I will be selling classic items made by suit factories in Japan that I have found, as well as my personal belongings, in this shop.
I hope it will be useful for your daily outfits.