In January 2020, just before the coronavirus spread to Europe, I went to Paris for work. This was when I was working for Dentsu. I was able to accomplish my goal, so in my free time, I visited BRUT, a vintage store in Paris that I had always wanted to visit, and purchased the shearling bomber jacket that I will introduce today.
The photo below was taken in a corner of the Louvre Museum wearing the jacket I purchased at BRUT.
ジジイのパリの想い出の品である、このムートン・ボンバー・ジャケットは、わたしのオンラインストアJiJi shopに出品しています。手放したくないアイテムではありますが、「Share fashion style」をコンセプトにJiJi shopを始めたい以上、ジジイのワードローブは基本、状態に問題があるものは除いて、全て出品していこうと思っています。
This mouton bomber jacket, a memento of my time in Paris, is on sale at my online store, JiJi shop. It’s an item I don’t want to let go of, but since I want to start JiJi shop with the concept of “Share fashion style,” I plan to basically list all of my wardrobe, except for items that are in poor condition.
Now, let me tell you a little bit about my business, although it’s not related to fashion, as it was the reason why I went to Paris in January 2020. I would be happy if you would read it.
フェイクニュースがネットに蔓延するのは、なぜかご存知でしょうか? 実は、人々のアテンションを集めるような偽情報を発信するとデジタル広告の収益が得られるからなのです。みなさんもYouTubeで紹介される動画で「本当かな、でも面白そうだから見てみよう」と動画を見た経験があると思います。
Do you know why fake news is so prevalent on the internet? It’s because disseminating false information that grabs people’s attention can generate digital advertising revenue. I’m sure you’ve all had the experience of watching a video on YouTube and thinking, “I wonder if it’s true, but it looks interesting so I’ll check it out.”
When many people watch the video in this way, the video distributor receives advertising revenue from Google. People can make money by spreading false information, and that false information can cause chaos in society or even lead to people who should not be elected in elections being elected because of the influence of false information.
This has become a major social problem, and is known as the attention economy. Professor Sinan Aral of MIT is the world’s leading researcher in this field. One fact he uncovered was the false information spread by young people in Macedonia during the 2016 US presidential election. This false information was that “Hillary Clinton defended a rapist.” His book “The Hype Machine: How Social Media Disrupts Our Elections, Our Economy, and Our Health–and How We Must Adapt” is now available, so if you’re interested, you can find it on Amazon.
The spread of this fake news in American society may have been a factor in Trump becoming president. The video below is a TED video by Professor Sinan Aral. Please watch it from the relevant part where he talks about advertising revenue as an economic motivation for those who spread fake news.
I read his paper in 2019, and as a Dentsu employee, I felt that if advertising was causing chaos in society, something had to be done, so I came up with an idea to solve the problem. However, I needed partners to make this idea a reality, so I went to Reporters Without Borders in Paris to propose a collaboration with Dentsu. The photo below was taken at Reporters Without Borders’ office.
![Reporters Without Borders](https://style.yh-inc.jp/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/2020_RSF_paris-225x300.png)
On the other hand, to be honest, even if this idea were to be realized, it is difficult to say whether Dentsu’s business would grow. However, when I proposed this project at the company at the time, my boss said, “This is a great idea. If it will benefit society, please go ahead and try it.”
I retired from Dentsu in March 2022 and no longer have any direct affiliation with the company, but I am truly grateful to the company and my boss at the time for allowing me to work on solving social issues. Although this project in Paris started off well, it never really took shape, but it remains my life’s work today, together with other partners.
Returning to the topic of the mouton bomber jacket, the reason I wanted this jacket was because of the Alain Delon movie “Les Adventurers.”
In this movie, Alain Delon wore a mouton bomber jacket as a pilot, which looked really cool. I went around vintage shops in Koenji and other places looking for one, but I couldn’t find anything close to what I had in mind. So I thought maybe they could find one in Paris, and after doing some advance research on vintage shops in Paris, I found BRUT.
![JiJi shop_mouton_bomber_jacket](https://style.yh-inc.jp/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/jijishop_mouton_bomber_jacket-225x300.png)
The search was worth it! I found a mouton bomber jacket that was in great condition and fit my size perfectly. I bought it immediately. The photo below was taken by a BRUT staff member.
The staff at BRUT are very friendly and knowledgeable about the Japanese fashion scene, so if you go to Paris, please visit this shop. It is a highly recommended shop. Recently, they have started planning and selling new products as well as second-hand clothes.
In fact, the owner, Paul ( the person in the photo above), even asked me, “The pants you’re wearing are cool. What brand are they?” They seem to be researching a wide range of design sources, not just vintage clothing, and are also developing their own new collections.